Explain whether each assessment tool would be better used with individual students or administered to a group of students.

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Explain whether each assessment tool would be better used with individual students or administered to a group of students.

There are many assessment tools available to teachers and schools today, so it is important to understand the purpose and value of each. Assessment falls into three main categories:
• Progress monitoring, which determines if students are learning at an adequate rate throughout the school year and provides the teacher with ongoing information to indicate whether a student will reach grade-level reading benchmarks by the end of the year
• Diagnostic, which is used to identify a variety of reading, language, or cognitive skills and is designed to give more specific information so that intervention can be applied strategically and judiciously
• Outcome, which evaluates the effectiveness of the instruction for meeting the goals for all students

A. Complete the UPLOADED “Assessment Summary Chart” to determine how each type of assessment (listed above) contributes to understanding student reading skills and abilities.

Note: Some assessment tools can accomplish more than one type of assessment feedback.

B. Explain (suggested length of 1–2 paragraphs) why each assessment tool is appropriate for reporting progress, diagnosing reading skills, or providing outcome data.

C. Explain whether each assessment tool would be better used with individual students or administered to a group of students.

D. Include all in-text citations and references in APA format.

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