Where does the analogy between corporations and cultures end?

What are some other strategies, that are consistent with a cognitive approach, that could have also been implemented?
August 5, 2017
briefly address each of these or you may take three or four aspects and provide more in depth coverage
August 5, 2017
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Where does the analogy between corporations and cultures end?

Using this book:

Jandt, F. (2010). An introduction to intercultural communication: Identities in a global community (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA. SAGE Publications.

In Chapter 14, Jandt suggests that corporations can present the same communication challenges as those of cultures. In what ways are corporations similar to cultures? Where does the analogy between corporations and cultures end? You may want to provide commentary on Jandt’s mention of Southwest Airlines, or provide your own example. Be sure to refer to your readings for support. You can also choose the following topic or question: How do you define your "identity" and how do you express it, maintain it, and protect it? Give situational examples.

please properly footnote source materials

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