What is the significance of your proposed project? What would it contribute to anthropological knowledge?

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What is the significance of your proposed project? What would it contribute to anthropological knowledge?

Proposal for a Project
1.Think about an anthropological problem/issue/idea that is associated with a social or cultural group, an institution, a class of people, etc. Express it in one or two sentences.

Examples: club; institution (school, religion, government); cultural/ethnic group; ritual (initiation, memorialization, ceremonial, etc.); media; pop culture…

2. Write a paragraph or two providing social, historical, political, etc., background or context to both the focal element and the problem associated with it. Cite at least two anthropological sources- NO WIKIPEDIA OR NEWS MEDIA.

3. How would you investigate this problem? What are the elements that you would propose looking at? What anthropological approach would you use? What techniques or strategies would you use?

4. What is the significance of your proposed project? What would it contribute to anthropological knowledge?

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