Heart Attacks in Elderly Population

Write an introductory passage discussing the disease your choice is used to treat and including consideration of the health and/or social impacts of the disease and why there was considered to be an un-met need for this new drug.
August 3, 2017
Corporate and Personal Ethics
August 3, 2017
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Heart Attacks in Elderly Population

Heart Attacks in Elderly Population
Design a comprehensive health education program to curb heart attacks in elderly population.
1. Health issue is heart attacks in elderly population.
2. What is burden caused by this issue ?
3. In which setting would program take place?
4. What type of program would be used to address this issue?
5. What are goals and objectives of program?
6. What planning models and health behavior theories would be used in program?
7. How would plan and implement program results?
8. How would results be evaluated?
9. How would your program improve the health of your target audience and overall health of community?


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