
Case Study Presentations and Discussions
April 16, 2022
April 16, 2022
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Jansen Gas

Blending Aviation Gasoline at Jansen Gas Range names used
Blending_plan =Sheet1!$B$18:$D$21
Data on Feedstocks Value per gallon Reid vapor pressure Octane (low TEL) Octane (high TEL) Gallons_available__1000s =Sheet1!$G$18:$G$21
Alkylate $4.50 5 98 107 Gallons_produced_A =Sheet1!$B$27
CCG $2.50 8 87 93 Gallons_produced_B =Sheet1!$D$27
SRG $2.25 4 83 89 Gallons_sold__1000s =Sheet1!$B$22:$D$22
Isopentane $2.35 20 101 108 Gasoline_required__1000s =Sheet1!$B$24:$D$24
Leftover__1000s =Sheet1!$H$18:$H$21
Data on Gasoline Gas A Gas B Gas C Max_Ried_vapor_pressure_allowed =Sheet1!$H$30:$J$30
Gallons required (1000s) 120 130 120 Min_octane_required =Sheet1!$H$26:$J$26
Price per gallon $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 Octane_level_obtained =Sheet1!$H$24:$J$24
Min octane required 90 97 100 Ried_vapor_pressure_obtained =Sheet1!$H$28:$J$28
Max Reid pressure 7 7 7 Total_revenue__Millions =Sheet1!$B$30
TEL level Low High High Used =Sheet1!$E$18:$E$21
Blending plan Gas A Gas B Gas C Used Gallons available (1000s) Leftover (1000s)
Alkylate 37.13 34.31 68.56 140.00 <= 140 0.00
CCG 87.89 0.00 0.00 87.89 <= 130 42.11
SRG 4.90 73.46 61.64 140.00 <= 140 0.00
Isopentane 0.08 22.23 24.77 47.09 <= 110 62.91
Gallons sold (1000s) 130.00 130.00 154.97
>= >= >= Quality Constraints Gas A Gas B Gas C
Gasoline required (1000s) 120 130 120 Octane level obtained 11700.00 12610.00 15497.26
>= >= >=
Production Constraint Gas A Gas B Min octane required 11700.00 12610.00 15497.26
Gallons produced 130.00 >= 130.00
Ried vapor pressure obtained 910.00 910.00 1084.81
Objective to Maximize <= <= <=
Total revenue (Millions) $ 1,718.02 Max Ried vapor pressure allowed 910.00 910.00 1084.81

Altered without A >= B

Blending Aviation Gasoline at Jansen Gas Range names used
Altered_Total_revenue__Millions ='Altered without A >= B '!$B$26
Data on Feedstocks Value per gallon Reid vapor pressure Octane (low TEL) Octane (high TEL) Blending_plan ='Altered without A >= B '!$B$17:$D$20
Alkylate $4.50 5 98 107 Gallons_available__1000s ='Altered without A >= B '!$G$17:$G$20
CCG $2.50 8 87 93 Gallons_sold__1000s ='Altered without A >= B '!$B$21:$D$21
SRG $2.25 4 83 89 Gasoline_required__1000s ='Altered without A >= B '!$B$23:$D$23
Isopentane $2.35 20 101 108 Leftover__1000s ='Altered without A >= B '!$H$17:$H$20
Max_Ried_vapor_pressure_allowed ='Altered without A >= B '!$H$29:$J$29
Data on Gasoline Gas A Gas B Gas C Min_octane_required ='Altered without A >= B '!$H$25:$J$25
Gallons required (1000s) 120 130 120 Octane_level_obtained ='Altered without A >= B '!$H$23:$J$23
Price per gallon $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 Ried_vapor_pressure_obtained ='Altered without A >= B '!$H$27:$J$27
Min octane required 90 97 100 Total_revenue__Millions ='Jensen Gas'!$B$29
Max Reid pressure 7 7 7 Used ='Altered without A >= B '!$E$17:$E$20
TEL level Low High High
Blending plan Gas A Gas B Gas C Used Gallons available (1000s) Leftover (1000s)
Alkylate 34.29 52.63 53.09 140.00 <= 140 0.00
CCG 81.43 27.82 0.00 109.25 <= 130 20.75
SRG 4.29 87.98 47.73 140.00 <= 140 0.00
Isopentane 0.00 26.26 19.18 45.44 <= 110 64.56
Gallons sold (1000s) 120.00 194.69 120.00
>= >= >= Quality Constraints Gas A Gas B Gas C
Gasoline required (1000s) 120 130 120 Octane level obtained 10800.00 18885.31 12000.00
>= >= >=
Objective to Maximize Min octane required 10800.00 18885.31 12000.00
Altered Total revenue (Millions) $ 1,725.01
Difference w/o Gas A >= Gas B $ 6,988.41 Ried vapor pressure obtained 840.00 1362.86 840.00
<= <= <=
Max Ried vapor pressure allowed 840.00 1362.86 840.00

1. The constraint of Gas >= Gas B is costing the company $6,988.41 in lost revenue.

Altered Medium TEL

Blending Aviation Gasoline at Jansen Gas Range names used
Altered_TEL_Total_revenue__Millions ='Altered Medium TEL'!$B$29
Data on Feedstocks Value per gallon Reid vapor pressure Octane (low TEL) Octane (medium TEL) Octane (high TEL) Blending_plan ='Altered Medium TEL'!$B$17:$D$20
Alkylate $4.50 5 98 102.50 107 Gallons_available__1000s ='Altered Medium TEL'!$G$17:$G$20
CCG $2.50 8 87 90.00 93 Gallons_produced_A ='Altered Medium TEL'!$B$26
SRG $2.25 4 83 86.00 89 Gallons_produced_B ='Altered Medium TEL'!$D$26
Isopentane $2.35 20 101 104.50 108 Gallons_sold__1000s ='Altered Medium TEL'!$B$21:$D$21
Gasoline_required__1000s ='Altered Medium TEL'!$B$23:$D$23
Data on Gasoline Gas A Gas B Gas C Leftover__1000s ='Altered Medium TEL'!$H$17:$H$20
Gallons required (1000s) 120 130 120 Max_Ried_vapor_pressure_allowed ='Altered Medium TEL'!$H$29:$J$29
Price per gallon $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 Min_octane_required ='Altered Medium TEL'!$H$25:$J$25
Min octane required 90 97 100 Octane_level_obtained ='Altered Medium TEL'!$H$23:$J$23
Max Reid pressure 7 7 7 Ried_vapor_pressure_obtained ='Altered Medium TEL'!$H$27:$J$27
TEL level Low High High Total_revenue__Millions ='Jensen Gas'!$B$29
Used ='Altered Medium TEL'!$E$17:$E$20
Blending plan Gas A Gas B Gas C Used Gallons available (1000s) Leftover (1000s)
Alkylate 32.05 54.86 53.09 140.00 <= 140 0.00
CCG 19.42 0.00 0.00 19.42 <= 130 110.58
SRG 52.88 39.38 47.73 140.00 <= 140 0.00
Isopentane 15.64 17.53 19.18 52.35 <= 110 57.65
Gallons sold (1000s) 120.00 111.78 120.00
>= >= >= Quality Constraints Gas A Gas B Gas C
Gasoline required (1000s) 120 130 120 Octane level obtained 10800.00 10842.20 12000.00
>= >= >=
Production Constraint Gas A Gas B Min octane required 10800.00 10842.20 12000.00
Gallons produced 120.00 >= 111.78
Ried vapor pressure obtained 840.00 782.43 840.00
Objective to Maximize <= <= <=
Altered TEL Total revenue (Millions) $ 1,643.13 Max Ried vapor pressure allowed 840.00 782.43 840.00
Difference w/medium TEL $ (74,893.73)

2. The optimal revenue would decrease by $74,893.73 if Gas B was produced with a medium TEL level.

Altered Max Reid

Blending Aviation Gasoline at Jansen Gas Range names used
Blending_plan ='Altered Max Reid'!$B$17:$D$20
Data on Feedstocks Value per gallon Reid vapor pressure Octane (low TEL) Octane (high TEL) Gallons_available__1000s ='Altered Max Reid'!$G$17:$G$20
Alkylate $4.50 5 98 107 Gallons_produced_A ='Altered Max Reid'!$B$26
CCG $2.50 8 87 93 Gallons_produced_B ='Altered Max Reid'!$D$26
SRG $2.25 4 83 89 Gallons_sold__1000s ='Altered Max Reid'!$B$21:$D$21
Isopentane $2.35 20 101 108 Gasoline_required__1000s ='Altered Max Reid'!$B$23:$D$23
Leftover__1000s ='Altered Max Reid'!$H$17:$H$20
Data on Gasoline Gas A Gas B Gas C Max_Ried_vapor_pressure_allowed ='Altered Max Reid'!$H$29:$J$29
Gallons required (1000s) 120 130 120 Min_octane_required ='Altered Max Reid'!$H$25:$J$25
Price per gallon $3.00 $3.50 $4.00 Octane_level_obtained ='Altered Max Reid'!$H$23:$J$23
Min octane required 90 97 100 Ried_vapor_pressure_obtained ='Altered Max Reid'!$H$27:$J$27
Max Reid pressure 7 7 7 Max Reid Change Total_revenue__Millions ='Altered Max Reid'!$B$29
Altered max Reid level 7 7 7 0
TEL level Low High High Used ='Altered Max Reid'!$E$17:$E$20
Blending plan Gas A Gas B Gas C Used Gallons available (1000s) Leftover (1000s)
Alkylate 37.13 34.31 68.56 140.00 <= 140 -0.00
CCG 87.89 0.00 0.00 87.89 <= 130 42.11
SRG 4.90 73.46 61.64 140.00 <= 140 -0.00
Isopentane 0.08 22.23 24.77 47.09 <= 110 62.91
Gallons sold (1000s) 130.00 130.00 154.97
>= >= >= Quality Constraints Gas A Gas B Gas C
Gasoline required (1000s) 120 130 120 Octane level obtained 11700.00 12610.00 15497.26
>= >= >=
Production Constraint Gas A Gas B Min octane required 11700.00 12610.00 15497.26
Gallons produced 130.00 >= 130.00
Ried vapor pressure obtained 910.00 910.00 1084.81
Objective to Maximize <= <= <=
Total revenue (Millions) $ 1,718.02 Max Ried vapor pressure allowed 910.00 910.00 1084.81

Altered Max Reid_STS

Max Reid pressure decrease

Jensen Gas (2)_STS


Jensen Gas_STS

1 1
$B$12 $B$13
1 1
90 1
100 7
1 1
$B$29 $C$13
Minimum required octane rating for Gas A 1
Max Reid vapor pressure


Oneway analysis for Solver model in Altered Max Reid worksheet Sensitivity of Total_revenue__Millions to Max Reid pressure decrease
Max Reid pressure decrease (cell $E$14) values along side, output cell(s) along top Data for chart
Total_revenue__Millions 1 Total_revenue__Millions
0 $ 1,718.02
Jeremy Murray: Solver found a solution. All constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
1 Not feasible
Jeremy Murray: Solver could not find a feasible solution.
Not feasible
2 Not feasible
Jeremy Murray: Solver could not find a feasible solution.
Not feasible
3 Not feasible
Jeremy Murray: Solver could not find a feasible solution.
Not feasible
4 Not feasible
Jeremy Murray: Solver could not find a feasible solution.
Not feasible
5 Not feasible
Jeremy Murray: Solver could not find a feasible solution.
Not feasible
6 Not feasible
Jeremy Murray: Solver could not find a feasible solution.
Not feasible
7 Not feasible
Jeremy Murray: Solver could not find a feasible solution.
Not feasible

Sensitivity of Total_revenue__Millions to Max Reid pressure decrease


Max Reid pressure decrease ($E$14)

When you select an output from the dropdown list in cell $K$4, the chart will adapt to that output.

3. There is no feasible solution if Jansen were to lower the maximum Reid vapor pressure levels on each gas type by the same amount.


Oneway analysis for Solver model in Jansen Gas worksheet Sensitivity of Total_revenue__Millions to Minimum required octane rating for Gas A
Minimum required octane rating for Gas A (cell $B$12) values along side, output cell(s) along top Data for chart
Total_revenue__Millions 1 Total_revenue__Millions
90 $ 1,718.02
Jeremy Murray: Solver found a solution. All constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
91 $ 1,689.07
Jeremy Murray: Solver found a solution. All constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
92 Not feasible
Jeremy Murray: Solver could not find a feasible solution.
Not feasible
93 Not feasible
Jeremy Murray: Solver could not find a feasible solution.
Not feasible
94 Not feasible
Jeremy Murray: Solver could not find a feasible solution.
Not feasible
95 Not feasible
Jeremy Murray: Solver could not find a feasible solution.
Not feasible
96 Not feasible
Jeremy Murray: Solver could not find a feasible solution.
Not feasible
97 Not feasible
Jeremy Murray: Solver could not find a feasible solution.
Not feasible
98 Not feasible
Jeremy Murray: Solver could not find a feasible solution.
Not feasible
99 Not feasible
Jeremy Murray: Solver could not find a feasible solution.
Not feasible
100 Not feasible
Jeremy Murray: Solver could not find a feasible solution.
Not feasible

Sensitivity of Total_revenue__Millions to Minimum required octane rating for Gas A


Minimum required octane rating for Gas A ($B$12)

When you select an output from the dropdown list in cell $K$4, the chart will adapt to that output.

4. Jansen could raise the minimum required octane rating to 91 for Gas A. Any further increase would result in no feasible solutions. 

% increase model

Blending Aviation Gasoline at Jansen Gas
Data on Feedstocks Value per gallon Altered value per gallon Reid vapor pressure Octane (low TEL) Octane (high TEL) Percentage increase
Alkylate $4.50 $4.50 5 98 107 0%
CCG $2.50 $2.50 8 87 93
SRG $2.25 $2.25 4 83 89
Isopentane $2.35 $2.35 20 101 108
Data on Gasoline Gas A Gas B Gas C
Gallons required (1000s) 120 130 120
Price per gallon $3.00 $3.50 $4.00
Altered price per gallon $3.00 $3.50 $4.00
Min octane required 90 97 100
Max Reid pressure 7 7 7
TEL level Low High High
Blending plan Gas A Gas B Gas C Used Gallons available (1000s) Leftover (1000s)
Alkylate 37.13 34.31 68.56 140.00 <= 140 -0.00
CCG 87.89 0.00 0.00 87.89 <= 130 42.11
SRG 4.90 73.46 61.64 140.00 <= 140 -0.00
Isopentane 0.08 22.23 24.77 47.09 <= 110 62.91
Gallons sold (1000s) 130.00 130.00 154.97
>= >= >= Quality Constraints Gas A Gas B Gas C
Gasoline required (1000s) 120 130 120 Octane level obtained 11700.00 12610.00 15497.26
>= >= >=
Production Constraint Gas A Gas B Min octane required 11700.00 12610.00 15497.26
Gallons produced 130.00 >= 130.00
Ried vapor pressure obtained 910.00 910.00 1084.81
Objective to Maximize <= <= <=
Total revenue (Millions) $ 1,718.02 Max Ried vapor pressure allowed 910.00 910.00 1084.81

Jensen Gas % increase_STS

Percentage increase


Oneway analysis for Solver model in Jansen Gas % increase worksheet Sensitivity of Total_revenue__Millions to Percentage increase
Percentage increase (cell $G$11) values along side, output cell(s) along top Data for chart
Blending_plan_1 Blending_plan_2 Blending_plan_3 Blending_plan_4 Blending_plan_5 Blending_plan_6 Blending_plan_7 Blending_plan_8 Blending_plan_9 Blending_plan_10 Blending_plan_11 Blending_plan_12 Total_revenue__Millions 13 Total_revenue__Millions
0% 37.13
Jeremy Murray: Solver found a solution. All constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
34.31 68.56 87.89 0.00 0.00 4.90 73.46 61.64 0.08 22.23 24.77 $ 1,718.02 1718.02
5% 37.13
Jeremy Murray: Solver found a solution. All constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
34.31 68.56 87.89 0.00 0.00 4.90 73.46 61.64 0.08 22.23 24.77 $ 1,803.92 1803.92
10% 37.13
Jeremy Murray: Solver found a solution. All constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
34.31 68.56 87.89 0.00 0.00 4.90 73.46 61.64 0.08 22.23 24.77 $ 1,889.82 1889.82
15% 37.13
Jeremy Murray: Solver found a solution. All constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
34.31 68.56 87.89 0.00 0.00 4.90 73.46 61.64 0.08 22.23 24.77 $ 1,975.73 1975.73
20% 37.13
Jeremy Murray: Solver found a solution. All constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
34.31 68.56 87.89 0.00 0.00 4.90 73.46 61.64 0.08 22.23 24.77 $ 2,061.63 2061.63
25% 37.13
Jeremy Murray: Solver found a solution. All constraints and optimality conditions are satisfied.
34.31 68.56 87.89 0.00 0.00 4.90 73.46 61.64 0.08 22.23 24.77 $ 2,147.53 2147.53

Sensitivity of Total_revenue__Millions to Percentage increase


Percentage increase ($G$11)

When you select an output from the dropdown list in cell $P$4, the chart will adapt to that output.

5. If all unit prices of the gas types and all unit values of the feedstocks increase by the same percentage, then the optimal blending plan remains the same.

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