April 8, 2022415W5DQ2UG.docx
April 8, 2022
Chapter 11 Questions
- Define stockholders and stakeholders. What is the difference between the two? How companies distinguish stakeholder.
- What process does a company adopt to go through to and respond to stakeholders’ concerns? What are the steps in this process?
- What is the agency problem? What are the governance mechanisms that can be put in place to guard against this problem?
- Describe internal controls and strategies that can be implemented to ensure ethical behavior within a company. Why internal controls to maintain ethical concerns are important?
Chapter 12 Questions
- How can organizational design contribute to competitive advantage? What elements in organizational design are important?
- Describe how a strong organizational culture leads to transparency, ethics, and competitive advantage within a company.
- How do corporations develop strategic plans for single or multidivisional structures? What are some advantages and problems in implementing a multidivisional structure?
- How do companies implement strategies at a global level? What organizational structures help them develop a competitive advantage?