Formulate a Strategic Plan Informed by Statistical Applications

Cognitive Psychology
April 6, 2022
Malpractice Suites
April 6, 2022
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Formulate a Strategic Plan Informed by Statistical Applications

For the Signature Assignment, you must design a strategic plan for  organizational continuous improvement or growth based on your design of  an experiment and analysis of data. 

Begin by reviewing the feedback you received from your professor and  incorporating that feedback into this assignment. Make sure all  components of the document are present and are written using a  professional tone and presentation. 

Your final paper should consist of the following components:

  1. An executive summary with a brief overall summary of results and recommendations for further action
  2. Statement of the problem and hypotheses
  3. A brief overview of your design
  4. A brief overview of your data analysis results with supporting  tables, charts, and narratives (e.g., focus on only the key insights,  you do not need to show charts or tables pertaining to data cleaning or  testing of assumptions).
  5. A discussion of your strategic plan pertaining to an organizational change, supported by the results of your study
    1. What needs to change and why including a discussion of how this strategy is aligned with the overall organizational strategy
    2. How the change will be implemented (who, what, when), including how  the key performance indicators (e.g., the variables that you analyzed in  your experiment) will be monitored and progress will be communicated
  6. Overall summary or conclusions

Length: 16 page paper, not including title and reference pages

References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources.

The strategic plan should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the  ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts  and insights relating directly to this topic. The content should reflect  scholarly writing and current APA standards and should include a plagiarism report.

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