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Programming Assignment #2: Grades (20 points)

Program Description:

This assignment will give you practice with parameters, returning values, and interactive

programs. Create a file called Grades named Grades.java, which will be submitted electronically

on the course web site. You will be using a Scanner object for console input, so you will need to

import java.util.*; into your program.

This program uses a student's grades on homework

and exams to compute an overall course grade. The

following is one example log of execution of the

program (user input is underlined).

This program accepts your homework scores and

scores from two exams as input and computes

your grade in the course.

Homework and Exam 1 weights? 50 20

Using weights of 50 20 30


Number of assignments? 3

Assignment 1 score and max? 14 15

Assignment 2 score and max? 16 20

Assignment 3 score and max? 19 25

Sections attended? 4

Total points = 65 / 80

Weighted score = 40.63

Exam 1:

Score? 81

Curve? 0

Total points = 81 / 100

Weighted score = 16.2

Exam 2:

Score? 95

Curve? 10

Total points = 100 / 100

Weighted score = 30.0

Course grade = 86.83

The course grade is a weighted average. To compute

a weighted average, the student's point scores in each

category are divided by the total points for that

category and multiplied by that category's weight.

Part of the homework score is determined by how

many discussion sections the student attended. Each

section is worth 4 points, up to a maximum of 20

possible section points.

In the log of execution shown, the course has 50%

weight for homework, 20% weight for exam 1, and

30% weight for exam 2. There are 3 homework

assignments worth 15, 20, and 25 points

respectively. The student received homework scores

of 14, 16, and 19, and attended 4 sections (earning

16 points for doing so). The student received an

exam 1 score of 81. The student earned an exam 2

score of 95; the exam was curved by +10 points, but

exam scores are capped at 100, so the student was

given 100 for exam 2.

Program Behavior Details:

The program asks the user for the weights of the homework and exam 1. Using this information,

the program can deduce the weight of exam 2 as 100 minus the other two weights.

You may assume that the user enters valid input. For example, assume that the user enters a

number of homework assignments no less than 1, and that the sum of category weights entered

will be no more than 100. The weight of a particular category (homework, exam 1, or exam 2)

will be non-negative but could be 0.

You should handle the following two special cases of user input:

legal assignment score. But the total points for homework are capped at the maximum possible.

For example if a student receives 63 total points out of a maximum of 60, your program should

cap this to 60 / 60.

is used.

Use the Math.max and Math.min methods to constrain numbers to a given range.

Notice that all weighted scores and grades printed by the program are shown with no more than 2

digits after the decimal point. To achieve this, you may type the following method into your

program and call it to round a double value to the nearest hundredth:

// Returns the given double value rounded to the nearest hundredth.

public static double round2(double number) {

return Math.round(number * 100.0) / 100.0;


The following is an example usage of this method to print a variable named x:

System.out.println("The rounded value of x is " + round2(x));

Your program's output should match these example log above exactly when the same input is

typed. Please note that there are some blank lines between sections of output and that input

values typed by the user appear on the same line as the corresponding prompt message.

The code to compute the student's homework scores requires you to compute a cumulative sum.

Stylistic Guidelines:

A major part of this assignment is demonstrating that you understand parameters and return

values. Therefore, use static methods that accept parameters and return values where appropriate

for structure and to eliminate redundancy. For full credit, you must use at least 3 non-trivial

methods other than main and round2.

You can have println statements in your main method on this program. However, your main

method should still represent a summary of the overall program; the majority of the behavior

should come from other methods. To fully achieve this goal, some of your methods will need to

return values back to their caller. Each method should perform a coherent task and should not do

too large a share of the overall work. For reference, my solution is 87 lines long including

comments for each line to the right of the code. with 5 methods other than main.

When handling numeric data, you are expected to choose appropriately between types int and


For this assignment you are limited to the language features in Chapters 1 through 3. You are not

allowed to use more advanced features (such as if/else statements) or features not covered in

class or the textbook to solve the problem.

You should properly indent your code and use whitespace to make your program readable. Give

meaningful names to methods and variables in your code. Follow Java's naming and

capitalization standards as described in the book. Localize variables whenever possible; declare

them in the shortest possible scope.

Include a comment at the beginning of your program with basic information and a description of

the program. This includes having an adequate comment header, commenting every line, and the

integrity statement.

Turn in your screenshot in Word of the output with filename

JonBrownCIS1501ScreenShotsProgrammingAssignment2Jan122017 (your name, the course

name, the content of the file, and the date), Grades.java and Grades.class (Please make sure to

name your files exactly, including identical capitalization.) Then put all three files in one zip file.

The zip file should be named: your name, the course name, the content of the file, and the date

and then submit to the Assignments link on the course web page.

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