Week 1 Discussion Forum 2: Should we rely on bio-metrics for identification?!! NO PLAGIARISM PROFESSOR USES TURNITIN

Criminal Professionalism
March 31, 2022
March 31, 2022
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Week 1 Discussion Forum 2: Should we rely on bio-metrics for identification?!! NO PLAGIARISM PROFESSOR USES TURNITIN

Read Sidebars 2-10 and 2-11 on pages 65-66 in our text. They discuss the state of bio-metrics in identification and authentication. What is your opinion of our reliance on fingerprints for identification of suspects in crimes.  How about their use for authentication?  In the era of terrorism we are becoming more reliant on bio metric technologies to both identify people and prosecute them for crimes. What are the limits of this technology and how should we proceed? Please be thorough in your response(s).  Adhere to the required submission guidelines stated in the syllabus.

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