
March 31, 2022
March 31, 2022
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Discussion forum response (10%)

Discussion Forum Response

Due Date:Each week you must post a response to ONE topic by Friday @ 23:59. No late submissions are accepted.

Size limit:No specific word count; see under Due Dates section below for details of posting frequency.

Submission:Posts made to Discussion Forums on Wattle or through the Greenbook.

Collaboration:Nil. These individual submissions must be entirely your own work.

Purpose:As part of learner-centred instruction, courses in RSM include self-reflective tasks that develop skills in critical analysis and meta-cognition (thinking about thinking). Critical analysis assists the student to understand and internalise the skills and knowledge; meta-cognitive skills help learners realize, develop, and reflect on their own approach to their thinking and the learning outcomes. Discussion Forums offer students the opportunity to exercise and develop these skills and so enhance their attainment of the learning outcomes week by week.

Note that the grading of this assignment reflects the expectation that students will improve over the semester.

Description:Weekly online discussion of case studies and reflection on personal experiences from the perspective of the week's learning materials, and the course learning outcome/s addressed by the topic/s of the week.

Discussion Forum Example

Note: this comes from a course with different expectations for using the discussion forum but it is a good introduction as to what a discussion can look like.

Have a look at the following example of a forum thread (it's made up, of course).

 You might like to use the Expectations in the Brief to score each of the posts and responses

 (hint: some are stronger than others, and none of them are perfect).

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