
Managerial Accounting
March 29, 2022
March 29, 2022
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Unit 3: Group Project – Report Part 1


This project-oriented assignment is your course core assessment. Do not plagiarize an existing company’s global marketing plan. 

Utilize the group pages to interact and share information. Your instructor may reference these interactions during the peer evaluation. Elect a project manager, who will submit the report on behalf of the group. Include all group members' names in the report.


You must come up with a fictitious global company of your choice to be more innovative while building your global marketing plan with the headings below.

I. Introduction

1. Conduct a brief overview of the company, its main products, target country, main target markets, and primary entry strategy.

2. Describe the company’s products/services, their user benefits, and demonstrate the evidence of their acceptance by customers in your host country.

3. Provide the information on the amount of and uses for capital required; investor benefits; market size and growth rate

II. Research Methodology

1. Discuss the methodology used to obtain your data to draft this fictitious global marketing plan.

· For instance, you can say that secondary research was used as well as monkey survey to obtain the data.

III. Situational Analysis

1. You need a high level of creativity using the company’s industry to provide your company analysis, because remember, your company is fictitious.

2. Describe fully your business organization’s Assets and Skills.

IV. Market Analysis

1. Define the approximate size, in units and dollars, of the target market for each of the company’s products/services.

2. Provide management’s estimate of the company’s market share and associated industry rank for both the last three years and the next three years (projected).

3. What has been the growth and profitability history of the industry, and what are its future prospects? If the projected growth rate exceeds the historical growth rate, discuss the major factors behind the company’s assumptions (e.g., technological breakthroughs, lower production costs that can be passed on to customers).

V. Business Environment analysis

Use the knowledge acquired in this course to paint the big picture of the business environment and your venture fit in this environment

1. Political/Legal/Institutional Environments

· Investigate the political/legal/institutional environments of your host country to be prepared and be able to react to any situations. In another word be proactive to be reactive.

2. Regulatory Environment (Present and anticipated)

· It is always worthy to examine and be knowledgeable about to home country and host country regulatory environment

3. Economic Environment (Conditions and Trends)

· Assess global economic environment and host country economic environment as well to make smart decision to expand in the foreign markets

4. Social and Cultural Environment (Factors and Trends)

· No marketer will be better off if the social and cultural environment knowledge is limited. Your products/services offer should always fit the social and cultural environment.

5. Demographic Environment (Data and Identification of Trends)

6. Technological Environment (Factors and Trends)

7. Natural Environment (Effect of Seasonal or Climatic Factors)

8. Physical Environment (Infrastructure Indicators)

VI. Competitor Analysis (in country of investment)

1. Explain the competitive forces that affect your industry and/or market segment (i.e., rivalry among existing firms, threat of new entrants, threat of substitute products, bargaining power of suppliers, bargaining power of customers).

2. Define your major competitors’ future goals, current strategies, and assumptions about the industry.

3. Compare the company’s strengths and weaknesses with those of its major competitors.

4. Provide an analysis of how the company’s management plans to capitalize on competitors’ weaknesses and how it will counteract competitors’ strengths. You must understanding the competitions’ strengths and weaknesses, as well as your own, to defend your market share, uncovering market opportunities, and developing an effective unique selling proposition.

5. Explain how the company differentiates/will differentiate its products/services from the competitions.

6. Describe how your company will monitor the competition on the continual basis.

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