Is the single payer system effective? Would it be effective in the United States?

The Antidote to Apathy” Activity
January 30, 2021
Regional Economic Integration
January 30, 2021
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Is the single payer system effective? Would it be effective in the United States?

Guiding Question:  Is the single payer system effective? Would it be effective in the United States?


1. Watch the following video on the single-payer system in Canada
How Canada’s Universal Health-Care System Works

2. Write an Initial Post (250 – 300 words) taking the “CON” position.

3. Consider the following questions as you write your initial post:
How would doctors deal with patients?
What legal issues might develop?
Could doctors re-negotiate agreements with hospitals and the government?

4. Include at least one resource in your Initial Post.and cite it using APA Style

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