Based on the issues highlighted in Rousseau and Barends (2011), write a self-assessment and reflection report of your personal limitations and evidence-based learning strategies to help you understand how you can better prepare to manage EBHR practice.

Any topic (writer’s choice)
November 30, 2020
Health studies
November 30, 2020
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Based on the issues highlighted in Rousseau and Barends (2011), write a self-assessment and reflection report of your personal limitations and evidence-based learning strategies to help you understand how you can better prepare to manage EBHR practice.

Self-assessment and reflection report means you are to assess your individualised and personal situation (not hypothetical). You must include specific personal examples to justify your self-assessment and analysis.
You can use I when writing the report.
The word limit is 850 words with 10% buffer (including in-text citations and references). Hence, any excess of 935 words wont be marked.
The format for your answer should follow a report format of having an introduction, body and conclusion. 
You must include a minimum of two scholarly articles.
These two scholarly articles must be different from Rousseau and Barends (2011).

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