Any topic (writer’s choice)
November 15, 2020
Programs that exist in the United States of America that are meant to promote better health outcomes for the poor.
November 15, 2020
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Cadmium Sampling strategy and results

– use only the attached source

– Discuss sampling strategy.

– Must be in past tense and include at a minimum OSH ID, FR, Volume, LOD, required calibration, sample media, lab analysis, blanks, etc

– Discuss results (assume over exposure).

– assume you have been hired by a company to test their work safety conditions (they do brazing).
– they have 16 workers:
8 operators (3 women and 5 men)
6 maintenances (2women and 4 men)
2 supervisors (1 women and 1 man)
– they work 5 days per week, they work 8 hours per day with 1 hour lunch break (8am-5pm)

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