Any topic (writer’s choice)
November 10, 2020
Any topic (writer’s choice)
November 10, 2020
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A Dream Called Home Book review

This is the prompt
In A Dream Called Home, Reyna Grande explores numerous themes under the umbrella of identity.  She has different identities as an immigrant, writer, mother, daughter, lover, etc.  She also explores what it means to be lonely, struggle and persevere as other examples.  Discuss the intersection of two themes of your choice; your analysis will explore each theme independently and show what we can learn as a result of reading about how these two themes cross paths in her life.  This essay must be 4-5 pages, utilize direct quotation, paraphrase, and summary from the entire book.  (3.5 pages is not passing.)  I do not want to see outside sources in this paper; I want to see your original thinking. 

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