Community Teaching Plan
November 4, 2020
For your research paper assignment, complete a paper of 5-8 pages, not counting your title page and reference page, on a topic that pertains to the criminal justice system. You paper should cover, policing, courts, probation/parole or corrections. You s
November 4, 2020
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Week 2: Stengths Discussion
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Table 6.2 of our text states a strengths-based principle and then shows a corresponding implication for positive OD practitioners.  “Principle 2: We excel only by amplifying strengths, never by simply fixing weaknesses. The implication associated with this principle states “Pay attention to the initial framing of your work and beware of the negativity bias inherent in our traditional OD approaches because excellence is not the opposite of failure.”

View the short video.

It illustrates the key point on how we this negative bias can be pervasive and how we can use a strengths-based approach to focus on people’s strengths rather than labeling.  This is important at a personal level and organizational level. 

How can focusing on individual strengths within an organization benefit the organization? How can you as an OD help to facilitate a culture that looks to each other’s strengths as opposed to the negative bias?


Post a substantive response (at least 150 words) to the discussion prompts by 11:59 PM  on Wednesday of this week.  Include information from the weekly readings to support your response. Post a substantive response to two peers by  11:59 PM  on Saturday of this week. Cite all sources.

To view the grading rubric associated with this discussion, click the Options icon (3 dots) in the top right corner of the page, and select Show Rubric

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