Any topic (writer’s choice)
November 2, 2020
Any topic (writer’s choice)
November 2, 2020
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

WATCH THE FILM “FRONTLINE DIGITAL NATION.” You can find it via Google. Type in ” You Tube Frontline Digital Nation.” It is Season 2010/Episode 1/PBS. IT HAS A PICTURE OF A GIRL ON HER PHONE AND IS 1 HOUR, 25 MINUTES LONG.


1. Is Technology affecting/changing the way we think? In what ways?
2. Is it changing what it means to be human? In what ways?
3. Is it Addictive?
4. Is it changing the way people relate to each other? If so, how?
5. What are the Positive Things about Technology?
6. What are the Negative Things about Technology?
7. What will you remember most about the Film?

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