write a response to essay.
October 30, 2020
Week 2: D2 Case Study
October 30, 2020
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Quality Media

With the abundance of media resources at our fingertips, we must have a plan to identify which media sources are quality. When helping children increase their literary skills, only quality media sources should be used in the classroom and recommended to families. In this assignment, you will practice evaluating an app or website aimed at teaching literature to young children, determining whether it is quality.

To prepare for this assignment,

Read A Checklist for Evaluating Diverse Childrens Media
Review The DIG Checklist for Inclusive, High-Quality Childrens Media
Locate one app or website aimed at teaching literature to young children.
Review the Evaluating Quality Media Assignment Template that you will use to complete this assignment.

In your paper

Provide the name of the media source you chose.
Evaluate the media source with each provided criterion found in the template.
List two additional questions you might ask to determine the quality of the media source.
Defend whether this source is quality media.


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