October 23, 2020
Choose a profession or a Southern Writer from list: William Faulkner, Ernest Gaines, Eudora Welty, Flannery O’Connor.
October 23, 2020
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Relationship with Self and No-Self

Reading Materials:

Digital Text: The Worlds Wisdom. Ch. 1 Hinduism, Selections #1, 6-24 and Ch. 2
Buddhism, Selections #1-39 and #45-53.

World’s Wisdom

Chapter 1 Hinduism, Introduction and Selections #1, 6-24

Chapter 2 “Buddhism, Introduction and Selections #1-39, 45-53.

This week, we will have one discussion board and be looking at a hypothetical scenario between an imaginary teacher and their imaginary students.  You will assume the role of the teacher and guide your students by using the assigned texts for Week 3.

The crucial part here is to effectively incorporate and reference the readings in your posts.  If you would prefer, you can role-play the teacher and write from the perspective of the teacher.

Once you post your responses to the two prompts, please use the 3C+Q model to comment on one other post (details below).

Love you all!



A person asked their teacher Why does desire for pleasure keep sabotaging me from achieving what I really want to do?  The teacher answered offering two different perspectives, drawing only on this week’s assigned content.  What did the teacher say?  Use specific references from the assigned content.  (up to 300 words)

Another person asked the teacher “Why do bad things happen to good people?”  The teacher answered offering two different perspectives, drawing only on this week’s assigned content. What did the teacher say? Use specific references from the assigned content. (up to 300 words) 

3C+Q Model:

This model stands for:

1. Compliment: Constructiveness is key.  Compliment your friend on something they wrote that you particularly liked: Great/excellent reading of, I really liked how/that

2. Comment: Engage and reflect on your friends post.  You can agree or politely disagree with their statement: I agree that because or I can see how that could be read in this way; however, I think that because

3. Connection: Connect what your friend shared to something you wrote, to the lectures, or the readings: This also ties really well intobecause

4. Question: Ask a specific question about the post to keep the conversation going.  I wonder if this could also suggest/Could this be also related to?/This could perhaps

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