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M8.3 Portfolium Submission GECC

Your Portfolium (e-portfolio)

Many individuals use electronic portfolios to collect, store, and highlight their academic and professional accomplishments. Portfolios go beyond traditional resumes and transcripts to really document and provide concrete examples of achievement and specific skills.

For your final assignment in this course, you will start your electronic portfolio. Then, in your future Excelsior courses, especially your Capstone course, you will be asked to update and add to this portfolio so that by the time you graduate you will have a well-rounded portfolio that reflects your diverse strengths.

What is Portfolium?
Portfolium hosts an ePortfolio network that provides students and alumni with a digital repository to creatively compile and showcase their respective educational (and work-related) competencies, skills, accomplishments, and experiences. It is a free interactive resource that also serves as a professional network. You can watch a one-minute video introduction to Portfolium entitled A Digital Portfolio Platform (Links to an external site.). You can see examples of exceptional portfolios in different disciplines through Porfoliums Discover page (Links to an external site.).

How to access Portfolium and Complete the Required Components: 
Begin by reading page 8.11 in the webtext which will help you get started. 

Read the Portfolium Instructions for details on the steps and requirements for this assignment.

Submission Instructions
In the dropbox for this assignment, you will copy/paste the link to your completed portfolio or upload the PDF of your portfolio.

Your final portfolio must include:

An introduction statement about yourself
An education section with information about Excelsior College and your degree plan
A courses section with the Cornerstone listed along with a description of the course (in your own words)
The Cornerstone Final Project uploaded to the portfolio as a project, with a description of the project (in your own words), and at least 3 associated skills
*In addition, while it is not required, we recommend that you include profile and background images, information about any previous education institutions, and any other information about yourself that you think would help a potential employer. You will return to this portfolio for future courses to continue adding projects and other information.

This assignment is due Sunday by 11:59 pm ET.
This assignment will be evaluated according to the IND101 Portfolium Rubric. Make sure to review the rubric before submitting so you know how you will be assessed.
This assignment is worth 5% of your overall course grade.
This activity is used to assess one or more general education career competencies (GECC). You will see additional rows in your rubric from your instructor along with assessments of Above/Meets/Does Not Meet Expectations for each competency. These rows do not factor into your grade.

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