October 21, 2020
October 21, 2020
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

Here are the directions given by my professor
Read this article:

After linking this article with chapter 7 in your textbook, write an essay of approximately 250-300 words answering the following questions:

(This time, you are NOT allow to answer the questions separately)

1. Chapter 7 discusses the prevalence of cheating in the educational system. According to the article, how is the Internet changing the way that people cheat?2. Where are essay-for-hire companies springing up? Why are young college graduates deciding to work for these companies?3. How common is contract cheating in higher education?4. How forthright are companies such as EssayShark regarding the purpose of their services?5. Why is contract cheating harder to detect? What is being done to catch contract cheaters?

Please consider my feedback provided in the former SWA to avoid losing any point.

You should invest the time of the class period to do this assignment, as we’re not meeting this Wednesday Wednesday 10/21/2020

Please avoid Plagiarism

Please divide it to more than a single paragraphCite the sources you use (including the textbook & the article your read)

Please make sure that the word matching does not exceed 25% of words

Those matters will affect your grade

Due Wednesday 10/21/2020 9:00 pm

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