GRIT by Angela Duckworth, Chapters 7 & 8 only whilst answering critical thinking question
October 18, 2020
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October 18, 2020
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Social Learning Theory

It is important that you adhere to APA guidelines (this cannot be stressed enough). These assignments will be graded not only on content and application, but also on grammar, structure, and plagiarism. Papers should be typed, LIMITED to 5 PAGES (not including a title page and bibliography), double-spaced, and use a 12 pt. Times New Roman font. Also, writing is an important skill that needs to be demonstrated in this course.

This is graduate-level writing.

For Paper 3, you need to answer the prompt below and fully respond to the question. You need to incorporate the sources provided as well as any other scholarly research that you find is relevant to the topic. All papers are due by the date and time listed in the course calendar.
    Haynie, D., & Osgood, D. (2005). Reconsidering Peers and Delinquency: How do Peers Matter?     Social Forces, 84(2), 1109-1130.
    Brauer, J. R., & Tittle, C. R. (2012). Social Learning Theory and Human Reinforcement.     Sociological Spectrum, 32, 157-177.
    Miller, H. V. (2010). If your friends jumped off a bridge, would you do it too? Delinquent peers     and susceptibility to peer influence. Justice Quarterly, 27(4), 473-491.

Social Learning Theory
1.    Learning theories have observed extensive development over the past century, and Social Learning Theory has become recognized as one of the leading micro-level explanations for delinquent and/or criminal behavior. For this assignment, you are expected to do the following:
a.    Describe where Akers Social Learning Theory stems from (i.e., the historical background and authors), and discuss the main propositions associated with the Akers theory (hint you should refer to Sutherlands Differential Association Theory).
i.    Additionally, you are expected to specifically discuss what causes crime based on the theory, and you should identify and discuss the key concepts and causal process associated with the theoretical framework.
b.    You are also expected to discuss practical policy implications associated with the theoretical framework that are useful in reducing delinquent/criminal behavior.
c.    Finally, you are expected to draw from current empirical literature which has incorporated tests of the theory and provide a brief overview of the current status of social learning theory within the context of delinquent involvement.

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