Documentary Writing
October 10, 2020
October 10, 2020
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3-1 Final Project Milestone One: Deconstructing Your Media Artifact

For this first milestone, you will analyze the media artifact (attached below) to identify the target audience, the design elements for the artifact, and the tools used originally to create the image. This milestone will allow you to practice deconstructing your artifact and to receive feedback on this attempt, which will be incorporated into your presentation for your final project.

I. Describe Artifact: you will include a picture of your artifact and provide a brief description of it. (See attachment for the media artifact)
II. Design Decisions: In this section, you will analyze your artifact for determining the design decisions that were made when creating
A. Audience: In this describe the intended audience of your selected artifact, including social considerations (e.g., race,
age, gender, educational background, economic status, etc.) and cultural considerations (e.g., taboos, values, subject knowledge, etc.) that may
affect how your artifact may be received.
B. Design Elements: In this analyze the design elements present in your artifact. For instance, you could consider
aspects such as color, word choices, background, texture, line, font, etc.

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