critical essay #2
October 8, 2020
RM part 1
October 8, 2020
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RM part 1

Select a local (Dallas Texas) health care organization where you can conduct an interview with an employee who is involved in risk management processes. This organization can be your current employer or a different health care facility in your community. Acute care, urgent care, large multiprovider private medical clinics, assisted living facilities, and community/public health clinical facilities are all ideal options to complete the requirements of this assignment. Select an individual who can provide sufficient information regarding how their organization manages risk within its facility to answer the questions below.

In your interview, address the following:

1)Risk management strategies used in the organization’s risk control program, along with specific examples.

2)How the facility’s educational risk management program addresses key professional, legal, and ethical issues, such as prevention of negligence, malpractice litigation, and vicarious liability.

3)Policies the facility has implemented that address how to manage emergency triage in highrisk areas of health care service delivery (e.g., narcotics inventories, declared pregnancy policies, blood-borne disease sector, etc.).

4)Challenges the organization faces in managing and controlling high-risk health care (e.g., infectious diseases, nuclear medicine, abortion, class 4 narcotics/opioids, etc.).

5)Strategies the facility utilizes to monitor, evaluate, and maintain compliance within its risk management program.

Unformal Paper- Only answer questions for part 1

part 2 Requires formal APA format

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