Capstone Project Change Proposal Implementation Plan I
October 8, 2020
Emotions and Goal-driven motivation
October 8, 2020
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Case Study

List And Evaluate Symptoms using the DSM 5 as your guide

THE PATIENT HAS Borderline Personality Disorder

Your character or patient will exhibit many symptoms. For this assignment you as the therapist must take the time to use the following:

                o        The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5

              for the diagnosis you are researching

              o            Current research on the disorder

Present a Diagnosis according to the DSM 5~
Diagnostic Clues—Rapport, motivation, rule out diagnosis list, observations & clues..Help the patient express the problem
b. Diagnostic CriteriaDuration of symptoms, severity of symptoms (how have they impacted the individuals life), ask specific questions to test your hypotheses..

Clinical Disorders
Personality Disorders - (Links to an external site.)
Psychosocial & Environmental Problems – (Links to an external site.)
DiagnosisOrganize questions into DSM 5 categories, check decision trees, do a global assessment looking at all the biological, psychological, and social factors that contribute to the patients disorder.

Assets & Strengths
Diagnostic formulation

2. Present alternative diagnoses and basis for rule out (same as above) (Links to an external site.)

3. Present an accurate summary of findings and comprehensive formulation of the patient’s problem based on the assessment data.

Psychiatric HistoryAssess criteria for first disorder if it is or is not there move on to the next disorder..Gather supportive evidence through premorbid history, course of disorder, and family history as well as impact of disorder on life.

Premorbid Personality
Course of Clinical Disorders
Course of Personality Disorders
Treatment History
Social History
Medical History
Family History

4. Present patient’s prognosis ~ assesses patients attitude about treatment and history of compliance as well as his/her response. The degree of compliance may outweigh other factors when determining prognosis.

5. Present patients strengths and weaknesses (at least 3 of each)

6. NEXT (in addition to the above), Write a 2 page summary of the current research on your patients diagnosis, current treatment methods recommended for use (within the last 5 years from peer reviewed journal articles), consider the age, sex, culture and the role of diversity in the case and other identifying information of your client in the research. The paper should include at least 3 current peer reviewed journal articles (last 5 years) and your text as references for a total of 4 minimum.

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