What are four interesting, thought-provoking questions that you think are important to ask in regard to curriculum development in the area associated with ensuring that students are prepared to enter the workforce? Why are these questions important and i
October 7, 2020
Any topic (writer’s choice)
October 7, 2020
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art work

Choose 1 work of art discuss the story of the work of art; this may require some research.

1. Who is shown in the painting? Why are they in the painting?

2. Is it a biblical story? Is it a historical scene? Is it social commentary? Are there multiple meanings?

3. Analyze the layers of the works of art; sometimes a naked man is not just a naked man and sometimes a book is not just a book.

This assignment should be at least 325 words and should be spell checked, proofread, and typed. Don’t forget to cite your sources, include your images, and include a works cited/bibliography.

All assignments must be in 12-point font (Arial or Times New Roman), use correct grammar and spelling, and coherent sentences. Please use your own words (no plagiarism); I want to hear what you have to say. Please include the image you are discussing and a worked cited section

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