Climate Change, Electric Automobiles, and the Economy
October 5, 2020
You have to pick one of the following topics to write about: 1. Ecological roles and importance of marine mammals in aquatic ecosystems 2. Interactions between marine mammals and global fisheries
October 5, 2020
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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

1.  Clients with OCD are at risk for social isolation, which may add to their OCD symptoms

2.  Typically, the prognosis with OCD is normally pretty good, if the people will commit to counseling.,

3. Those with OCD have unwanted and intrusive thoughts and engage in repetitive behaviors.

4. Obsessions are recurrent unwelcome impulses, thoughts, and images that promote significant distress

5. Compulsions are repeated behaviors in which a person engages to reduce distress.

6.  Compulsions relieve the stress temporarily, but not long term relief

7.  Obsessions:  Contamination (germs, touching door handles, handing money) Self Doubt ( fear of misplacing possessions, fear of forgetting assignments or homework) Harm to self or others ( fear of causing an accident) Religious (fear of eternal damnation) Sexual themes ( repeated pornographic images of teacher, intrusive sexual thought or images)  I didn’t make this stuff up.  It is in the book

8.  Compulsions:  Cleaning( hand washing, brushing teeth too much, cleaning the home) Counting ( performing tasks a certain number of times, counting steps) Checking ( returning to check doors, faucets, etc.) Balancing ( need for evenness, such as a desktop Demanding reassurance ( excessive internet searches about fears, checking your phones over and over to see who is sending you things, leaving messages, snap chats ?  {how many of you have checked your phone since starting to read this} ) and Hoarding behaviors.

9.  Obsessive thoughts lead to anxiety and fear which leads to compulsive behaviors, which brings temporary relief, which will then return to more obsessive thoughts and repeating the cycle.

10.  Many cultures have superstitious behaviors and rituals that may seem like OCD behaviors, but they are a necessary part of the people’s lives.

11.  OCD clients can often be perfectionists, and can’t move on from a task until it is perfect.

12.  OCD can significantly impair social functioning as the behaviors become more important than the relationships.

Your assignment:  Explain in deep detail how religion uses Obsessive Compulsive Disorder rituals to further its services.

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