October 4, 2020
Pathophysiological Processes (RUA)
October 4, 2020
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Using one of the prompts below, write an original three-page paper that analyzes, or gives insight into, a text(s) from the first course unit, Health. Your paper must reference at least one secondary source.

Define: Using at least two texts, define what counts as healthy. For this argument, you may analyze how the definition of health has changed over time, you may define different types of health, or you may define a universal type of health that is common across different periods and places. For instance, you might define a healthy doctor-patient relationship, pinpoint what is essential in terms of the cure-care spectrum, determine what constitutes healthy use of medical technology, or define empathy (potentially in contrast to disgust) as essential to holistic health, etc.
Compare: Using at least two texts, compare the roles and responsibilities of a doctor, a patient, and/or a society (i.e. family, community, government, etc.) in maintaining health. To answer this prompt, you might consider for instance the challenges each face, the benefits one stands to gain by contributing to others health, and/or what one surrenders when supporting others/ones own health, etc.. 
Analyze: Using at least one text, analyze how the concept of othering has impacted medical humanities thought. To answer this question, you might consider for instance, the different types of othering and the impacts (good and bad) of othering on doctors, patients, and/or the advancement of medical technology and theory.
Miscellaneous Prompt: You may create your own prompt. To do this, you must propose your idea to me at least one week in advance of the target deadline.

To complete this assignment, you will need to reference at least one appropriate secondary source.
Appropriate secondary sources typically include but are not limited to recent print and online sources found through the library catalogue, library databases, and Google Scholar. Examples of sources include but are not limited to recent scholarly books and peer-reviewed journal articles. Inappropriate sources include but are not limited to common knowledge sources (such as dictionaries and encyclopaedias), amateur sources (such as freelance blogs and websites), and commercial or for-profit sources (such as tabloids and .com websites).

Your audience includes your classmates and instructor. This means you are writing for readers of varying disciplines and stages in their educational and professional careers. Altogether, you must consider them unfamiliar but academic readers. Therefore, do not assume they know everything you know about a particular subject and do not assume they will automatically favor your approach or be interested. Instead, you will need to convince your audience to care and to agreeprovide background information, a clear thesis, evidence, and explanations. Also, use formal language, and avoid distracting grammar and spelling errors.

This assignment exercises students critical thinking and effective writing skills.

I will evaluate papers based on content, organization, and language use. A rubric for written assignments is available on Canvas. Below are some guidelines for writing analytical essays.

A successful analytical essay should: 
Beginning: Announce the argument and orient the reader in one paragraph
Clearly identify the topic or question you have chosen to address
Place your argument in context (provide a brief summary or literary, historical, cultural, or critical background for the text in question)
Provide a thesis statement that clearly articulates your analysis and how you will develop your argument
Middle: Present, support, explain, and clarify each point of your analysis in separate body paragraphs
Each paragraph should: present one idea; clearly announce the idea in a topic sentence; convincingly support the idea with relevant and specific textual/contextual examples; clearly explain the critical thinking and logic that connect your examples to your claim; and by the end of the paragraph, reiterate and clarify the argument of the paragraph
End: In one paragraph, draw a conclusion that does more than just repeat your thesis. Instead, connect your claim with a larger issue. For instance, reveal how the text(s) may be important to you beyond this class or to people other than yourself.
Use logical and clear transitions at the sentence, paragraph, and section levels
Correctly cite sources in-text using MLA style
Demonstrate control of grammar and mechanics issues
Avoid plagiarism
Include a Works Cited Page written in MLA style

Note: For additional resources on writing, analyzing, and citation see Helpful Resources on Canvas.

3-page Paper
Works Cited (citing the primary and secondary sources)

Paper assignments must be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins (on the sides, top, and bottom), and in MLA style. The paper must meet the page length requirement, which, in this case, is three pages. Page length requirements are set to give you an idea of how detailed and extensive your papers should be at a minimum to construct a strong paper and therefore should be met. I do not appreciate clever attempts to lengthen papers (this includes varying font sizes and styles; extra spaces between paragraphs; extra spaces separating the title from the text; enlarged margins; and so forth).

MLA Format: A cover page will not be necessary. However, I do expect a heading in the top left of the first page that gives your name, my name, the course number, and the date. MLA style also calls for a header in the top right corner of each page (except for the first) that gives your last name and the page number. (This assignment sheet has such a header.) All citations and documentation, including the Works Cited, should also be in MLA style. Refer to the Purdue Online Writing Lab site ( for MLA style guidelines. If you have troubles formatting your paper, please feel free contact me.

Titles: Please try to experiment with intriguing yet informative titles. Do not simply title your paper, Compare and Contrast or Health. Your title should strive to grab the attention of your reader while hinting at the texts focus. Ex: Nerves of Steel: The Physician as Technology.)

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