Frontline workers are required to be immunized for influenza and potentially other contagious diseases. Where does this requirement come from and how does the state regulation ensure compliance?

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Frontline workers are required to be immunized for influenza and potentially other contagious diseases. Where does this requirement come from and how does the state regulation ensure compliance?

Hello Class,

Let me try to give you an example to help with Assignment 3’s ask, due this week:
Let’s say your chosen STATE LAW/REGULATION (remember it needs to be a state law/regulation addressing your topic, not a program) has 30 parts/aspects (a part/aspect does not have to be a formal “part” in terms of a distinct section).  You could choose all 5 parts/aspects within one section of the law, if comprehensive and distinct enough to analyze separately. You can chose any 5 parts/aspects/sections (focus on the content – one part of the overall regulation may address definitions, another funding, another requirements, another different requirements, another reporting, another penalties, etc.) you want.  For ALL FIVE of those parts/aspects/sections, you need to analyze how EACH part/aspect impacts insurers, health care professionals, health provider organizations (hospitals, doctor office, etc.) AND/OR health product developers.  So every section may not impact each of those stakeholders, but if they do, you must describe the impact on each.
Note that you need to highlight the actual regulation, either in Word using highlight font, or by printing out the regulation and physically using a highlighter, then scanning and submitting via PDF.  You can submit one or two attachments for your submission.

Please remember this should be in paper format, NOT in the table like the first two assignments.  I highly recommend using headers to break up the text into logical sections.

Select a state regulation from MARYLAND. Prepare an annotated copy of the regulation, including the sections you reviewed to answer the questions in the following format:

Prepare a three (3) to four (4) page written response addressing all information in the following table. Text must be double spaced. Also include a cover page and a reference page in APA Format (these do not count toward the page limit). Review the bolded text in the Class Guidelines section of the syllabus above for formatting requirements.

Highlight five (5) notable parts of the regulation. For each of the parts, describe how the patient, provider, product developer, health care organization and/or payer may be impacted. Remember to write in narrative format except for titles. No more than 15% of direct quotes or paraphrasing are permitted in the document. Use citations and attach the notated regulation. In Week Five, you need to sign up for a topic in the Assignment Three Topic Selection folder in LEO. Unless the professor reaches out to you directly, your chosen topic is approved. Note a maximum of five (5) students may select the same topic.

HGMT 310 Assignment #3 OUTLINE

Student Name:

Type your name here.

Assignment #3 Title:

Provide a unique short name for the paper and the official title of the state regulation.

Agency Responsible:

Identify the state agency and subunit (such as a bureau or office) responsible for oversight of the regulation.

Incentives and Enforcement:

What enforcements and penalties are noted in the regulation?  Is there training for personnel? Is Technical Assistance (funding, training, resources) provided?

Key Aspect of the Regulation #1:

How does this section of the regulation impact payers/insurers/health plans, health care professionals, health provider organizations, or health product developers?

Key Aspect of the Regulation #2:

How does this section of the regulation impact payers/insurers/health plans, health care professionals, health provider organizations, or health product developers?

Key Aspect of the Regulation #3:

How does this section of the regulation impact payers/insurers/health plans, health care professionals, health provider organizations, or health product developers?

Key Aspect of the Regulation #4:

How does this section of the regulation impact payers/insurers/health plans, health care professionals, health provider organizations, or health product developers?

Key Aspect of the Regulation #5:

How does this section of the regulation impact payers/insurers/health plans, health care professionals, health provider organizations, or health product developers?

Notated Copy of the Rules:

Attach a copy of the regulation that you have marked up.  Underline, highlight or note key sections. Mark them (1), (2), (3), etc. You may use technology to mark up in PDF or print, handwrite and scan the regulation. Specifically:

1.  Print out the regulation, write in notes and/or highlight the printed copy, use a scanner to scan in the document in PDF format, and then attach to the back of your paper, or submit as a separate, second file online.


2. Save the regulation in PDF format (you could copy the text and paste into Word, then Save As a PDF file). Open up Adobe Acrobat and add comments and/or highlights via the Comments function.  Then attach to the back of your paper or submit as a separate, second file online.

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