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Haoyuan Xu

You’ve learned about the complex views of explaining reality by the Pre-Socratics through monism, pluralism, materialism or spiritualism. There was a group of teachers who were supported by Pericles, the emperor of Athens so they started to exist towards the end of the Pre-Socratic period and then they became active during the classical period (time of Socrates, a former Sophist who abandoned their ways, Plato and Aristotle).

After reading Sophism and Parmenides on pp.19-23 (Sophists also from the web: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) and Socrates as excerpted from Plato’s work, The Phaedo on pp. 25-33, choose one from the following:

Explore the main characteristics of the Sophists in viewing reality, human person, ethics, etc. and make a clear contrast with Parmenides’ view on reality and being and Socrates’ view on personal immortality.
After reading especially from the web, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, summarize in your own words the metaphysical views of the Sophists. You must also justify your answer by taking an example of one Sophist who attempted to present his metaphysical view.
Limit your answer from 6 to 8 sentences only and you must indicate the question that you want to answer.

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