October 2, 2020
October 2, 2020
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Discussion 4&5

Each discussion should be at least 350.

Discussion Forum #4: Pregnancy Case Study
Consider the following scenario:
Jennifer is a 25 year old woman who has just found out she is pregnant. Her doctor has estimated that she is about 8 weeks along. Jennifer is 5’5″ tall, and her pre-pregnancy weight was 170 lbs. Jennifer has a busy schedule and rarely gets a chance to shop for groceries, so she eats out quite a bit. Prior to becoming pregnant, she had attempted to adopt a healthy diet and has started to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into her diet. Her major downfall is that she does not always remember to eat breakfast. She has been experiencing a significant amount of morning sickness, and has discovered the peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on white bread are one of the only food items that do not make her feel ill, so she has been eating them for lunch almost daily. Jennifer is also not very active. Prior to her pregnancy, she would get less than 30 minutes of activity per day.

Considering the information above, please answer the following questions, using information from your module to support your thoughts.

What is Jennifer’s pre-pregnancy BMI (use the formula from the text)? Based on her BMI, what is the recommended amount of weight gain for her pregnancy?
Given her current diet, what nutrients of concern for pregnancy may be missing that are important for a healthy pregnancy? Be sure to include an explanation as to WHY these nutrients are needed to support a healthy pregnancy.
How might you recommend she add the nutrients you listed in question 2? Please be specific in your answer by including food and meal suggestions.
What are two other concerns you have about Jennifer’s current diet plan? Please explain why these are of concern as it relates to a healthy pregnancy diet.
Please share two additional ideas/tips you can provide to Jennifer for improving her current diet to ensure a healthy pregnancy and healthy fetal development?

Discussion Forum #5: Older Adult Case Study
In this discussion, you will analyze the diet of an elderly woman who is experiencing stomach issues.

Consider the following scenario:
85-year-old, Dolores, has developed severe digestive problems, including stomach cramps and diarrhea. This elderly lady lives alone, does not drive, has no family living in town, and suffers from advanced age-related macular degeneration (eye disease). She is living on a diet of hot tea with sugar and white toast with butter for breakfast and canned soup (chicken noodle or tomato) twice a day because she believes that anything else upsets her stomach.

Her stomach problems were progressive. She started eating soup during and after a mild episode of stomach problems that were unrelated to food. Instead of getting better, her stomach problems have gotten worse. Her family suspects that she also eats soup because very little preparation is involved. Both she and her family are having difficulty facing the fact that soup upsets her stomach as much or more than other food.

Considering the information above, please answer the following questions, using sources from your module to support your thoughts.

Identify and discuss the risk factors for malnutrition that Dolores may have. Be sure to include the social risk factors connected to her particular situation.
What nutrients are abundant in her diet? Explain WHY you believe these are abundant – what are the food sources?
What nutrients of concern for older adults are missing from her diet? Please explain why these nutrients are important for her nutrition and health.
What specific dietary recommendations would you make to include the above listed nutrients of concern?  Please be specific. Suggest easy-to-prepare meals for this woman.
Please discuss one community or government service you might suggest to offer assistance for Delores. Explain how this service can support Delores IN HER HOME.

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