Evidence based assessment tools
September 1, 2020
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September 1, 2020
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Finding Hope/Atul Gwande reflections

end of Life: Part 1

  This module is designed to stimulate affective learning in End of Life Care.

Viewing assignment: please view at least two of the following links focusing on the work of Dr. Atul Gawand (there are lots more!)

Please note:  If you have any trouble opening the links, please try copying and pasting the link.

End of Life Care – 7 minutes


Being Mortal with Atul Gawande – 24 minutes


Being Mortal and What Matters in the End an hour and 3 minutes


PBS: We all die, so why don’t we die well? – 10 minutes


Atul Gawande on End of Life Counseling  – 10 minutes



CBS This Morning: Dr. Atul Gawande on what should we be asking in end of life care – 5 minute


Then go to:


If you need a password (I did not), use: Hope

There you will find 14 short video segments from a Finding Hope series.  View at least three (they are short)

Knowing Its the Right Thing
Remember This Song?
A Little Bit Makes the Biggest Difference
Im Here Now
Im Going Home
Hospice is Hard to Accept
I Signed the Papers
Sympathy Versus. Empathy
Id Rather Be Running
Its Not Always About Death, Its About Living Life to the Fullest
Is IT Worth it? I Dont Know….
I Said Yes Because I Want to Live
Quality VS Quantity
Every Day is a Special Day
Please view the segments


Initiate a discussion by summarizing one of the Finding Hope video segments (maximum of two students per video segment) OR you may summarize/reflect on something from a video segment by Dr. Atul Gawande (no limit on the number of students reflecting on something from Dr. Gawande).
Be sure to explore relevance of the message to nursing practice.
References are not required.  Your response should include at least 300 words (no maximum), and show evidence of careful thought.
Conclude with a question for your peers
The Finding Hope grading rubric is found in the syllabus appendices- 1.Summarized clearly
message of video.
Succinct, yet thorough
2.Message clearly linked
to nursing practice.
What can nursing do in
light of the video
3.Thought stimulating
4.- Fewer than four total
mistakes in grammar,
sentence structure,
– Organization is clear and
5.1) Response adds relevant,
valuable information.
2) Demonstrates critical
analysis. Minimal or no
direct quotes.
3) Professionally written.
4) at least one professional
nursing journal is cited and

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