Handbook for IIDA – Rhetorical Analysis
August 30, 2020
extra credit discussion – pulling it all together
August 30, 2020
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Control Systems and Protocols

CSSS 5140 Week 4 Discussion #1: Heimdals Corporate Security Checklist (1-page)

Wedsite: https://heimdalsecurity.com/en/why-thor

Based on Heimdals Corporate Security Checklist, the organization should be created and maintained as follows:
        The organization everyday activities should be monitored so that cyber security can be enhanced based on the data obtained from monitoring organization activities.
        Data originating from different sources should be double checked before storing on the organizations database or server since data originates from different sources, therefore maintaining a proper firewall is necessary for the organization.
        Conducting timely review and meeting with IT department enables the organization to be updated with latest data breaches as well as new Heimdals Corporate Security Checklist.
        The organizations software should be updated with latest operating systems, firewalls and only authorized employee should be able access data from the main server, therefore organizations security remains intact.
        Developing robust policies with end users are important for the organization, which provides better insights into working of the organization with Heimdals Corporate Security Policy which includes policies such as internet policy, network security policy and for all working components in the organization.

Write one-page paper explaining how you would incorporate Heimdals Corporate Security Checklist in an organization’s business strategy. (Create an organization)

APA Format
List two references
CSSS 5140 Week 4 Discussion #2: NIST Cybersecurity Reference Model (2-pages)

Website: https://www.nist.gov/cyberframework/online-learning/five-functions

Discuss the five aspects of the NIST Cybersecurity Reference Model: Identity, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover.

–      Two pages
–      APA Format
–      Two references
CSSS 5140 Week 4 Assignment 1: Video Synopsis (2-pages)

Everyday cybercrime and what you can do about it (Jams Lyne)



Instructions: After reviewing the video answer the following questions in two to four strong paragraphs using APA format:

1. What are the major points, strengths, and weaknesses?
2. How could the information be applied in Cyber Strategic Operations?

– Provide two references.
– APA Format
CSSS 5120 Week 4 Discussion #1: This Week in Cybersecurity (2 pages)


Find a Cybersecurity-related current event, activity, or development on https://www.c-span.org/ to write and share with your colleagues. In your discussion post, briefly summarize the event and reflect on its significance to support your topical input.

Questions to address in a two-pages paper might include:
  How does the event relate to issues addressed in class?
  How might similar situations be mitigated?
  What is the broader impact of the event (e.g., nationally, globally, etc.)

Include a link to the story or a citation so that others may read the story.
CSSS 5120 – Week 4 Discussion #2: Securing SCADA and DCS Systems (2 pages)

Study Case: SCADA in Smart Grids, pp. 143-145 (Note the involvement of NIST and the issues being uncovered as the good idea of a smart grid is confronted with the realities of cyber risks.) See attached file.

Rajvir Singh. (2015, March 31). E- Learning SCADA Lesson 1- What is SCADA? [Video file].
Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZiIA-kMV8M

Realizing the vulnerabilities and risks to Counterintelligence (CI) from cyberattacks using Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Distributed Control Systems (DCS) systems, what are the obstacles to the CI industry, in collaboration with the government, to securing SCADA and DCS systems against Cyber Attacks?


– APA Format
–  2 pages
–  2 references

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