August 21, 2020
Describe the life journey of Malala Yousafzai in terms of Campbells archetypal stages of the heros journey.
August 21, 2020
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Bereavement in adult life

Critique the article:

1. What was the purpose and rationale of the study?

2. What were the hypotheses and or questions of the study (at least 6 of either and/or combination)?

3. What theory was under consideration for this journal article eg., attachment theory, psychodynamic theory, Object Relations theory, family stress theory, cognitive behavioral theory, etc.?

4. What type of study is it? Experimental, quasi-experimental, correlational, descriptive, exploratory, etc.?

5. What were the independent and dependent variables of this particular study?

6. Who was the sample and how did they obtain the sample?

7. Methods used?

8. Data collection?

9. Data analysis, qualitative, quantitative, or both?

10. Results of the study?

11. Discussion of findings?

12. Limitations of the study?

13. How would you replicate this study?

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