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Post Exercise Protein Synthesis

Assigned Subject for the Paper Post Exercise Protein Synthesis

A.    Major Topic #1 Post work-out Nutrition
a)    Subtopic 1  Replenish glycogen
b)    Subtopic 2  Decrease protein breakdown
c.    Subtopic 3  Increase protein synthesis

B.    Major Topic #2 Protein remodeling stimulus
a)    Subtopic 1  Exercise
b)    Subtopic 2  Food ingestion
c.    Subtopic 3 IV infusions/ingestion of free amino acids

C.    Major Topic #3 Timing of nutritional consumption
a)    Subtopic 1  Rebuild of damage muscle tissue
b)    Subtopic 2  Restoration of energy reserves
c)    Subtopic 3  Enhance body composition and exercise performance

I would like my paper to include the topics and subtopics explained under each topic. Use a scholar articles as sources and when siting the sources, use a number to site the source instead of author.

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