Auctions and Dynamic Pricing
July 13, 2020
Name two trends that emerge from the demographic data about age and the impact on health care.
July 13, 2020
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Any topic (writer’s choice)

I. Epic
Compare and contrast in The Odyssey taking into account how Homer portrays
1] the male heroes extreme emotions and faulty behavior  [show specific scenes], and the consequences 
2] the emotions and status of the female characters faulty behavior [show specific scenes], and the consequences ,
3] the nature/type of conflicts and issues the epics raises for the men and the women.
Be sure to cover the range of characters, both central characters, as well as others connected importantly to the main plots, both human as well as non-human.
What can you say about the epic world, the public, domestic, and ethical actions in the epic?

II. Drama & Story Cycle
Medea presents a situation of betrayal, disloyalty and rejection and the heroines strong and assertive actions to bring justice against such patriarchal practices. Explain and illustrate this from the play.
Compare similar elements in the stories narrated by the First, Second, and the Third Old Men in The Thousand and One Nights, and discuss how justice is meted out in that group of tales, and in that frame tale. Whom is Shahrazad (the main narrator presenting the other voices) attempting to convert in the overall main Frame story?

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