psychopharmacology dq2 resp ronnnn
July 10, 2020
psyc dq resp Ronny
July 10, 2020
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Short report (trade betwen Australia and China)

Assume you are international trade specialist regarding Australia one of the top trade partner countries with China.  In the first part, please provide your specialized country/regions trade statistics: location, size of the country, bouldering countries, GDP, population, trade balance, main export partners, import partners, growth rate, what are the main imports and exports. In addition to this, describe any existing trade agreements if any, etc. Feel free to include graph, charts, and tables.
In the second part, pick one or two trading industry between China and country/region you are specializing on. Try to explain why this good(s) is traded between China and the country/region and what are the benefits and costs from the trade using one of international trade models we learned (Ricardian model, Specific factor model, Heckscher-Ohlin model, or Standard Trade model)

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