How music effects the brain

Needs Analysis
July 5, 2020
July 5, 2020
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How music effects the brain

From the list above, select a topic which interests you. You may suggest your own topic, but you need to get instructor’s permission to write about it.
Research the topic in detail.
Write a five page (double spaced) paper on your chosen topic.
Paper must have a title page, including the instructor’s name, course number, date, title of the paper, and student’s name.
This assignment must be typed.
Your paper must be properly documented according to the MLA format/style (see link to MLA instructions below in “grading the paper” section) of documentation (parenthetical notes within the text of the paper and a works cited page at the end of the paper). Check out the information at and the Central Texas College MLA Guide regarding MLA format and plagiarism. You can also find information at this site: (NOTE: papers that do not use the MLA format will not be accepted).
Your works cited must contain a minimum of five different sources, including at least one book, at least two periodicals, and at least one encyclopedia.
The paper must be submitted not later than the date specified in the syllabus.
Before turning in the assignment, make sure to consult the checklist below.

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