Big Fish (Book) Literary Analysis
July 5, 2020
Ethical Practice in Psychology
July 5, 2020
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Homeschooling vs. Public/Private schools


Your outline must be submitted in a formal outline format as shown below.  The outline should demonstrate enough detail to make it clear that you have considered the organization of your paper, including the research required for your topic, and the planned sections for your paper.  At the end of your outline, please provide a listing of the sources which you have already identified for use in creating your paper.

Outline Format

I. Introduction & Background, 10 points

    A. Introduction

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Background

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

II. Apply at least 3 terms/concepts from the textbook, 10 points

    A. Term 1

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Term 2

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

  C. Term 3

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

III. Arguments supporting your topic, 10 points

    A. Subpoint

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Next Subpoint

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

IV. Arguments against your topic, 10 points

    A. Subpoint

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Next Subpoint

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

V. State and defend your position on the arguments, 10 points

    A. Subpoint

          1. Details of Subpoint

          2. More details of the Subpoint

  B. Next Subpoint

        1. Details of the Subpoint

        2. More details of the Subpoint

VI. APA style in-text citations and references, 10 points

Total points = 60

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