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July 3, 2020
Gilded age
July 3, 2020
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structure of indifference by by Adele Perry and Mary Jane Logan McCallum

Using three academic sources and an article that was written/produced by a media outlet in addition to Structures of Indifference, answer the following questions:
How is Sinclair represented?  Does systemic oppression affect Brian Sinclair?  Do you think his experience was unique? Why or why not?  Do you think people who are perceived to be living in poverty experience social services differently than the rest of the population?  Is this consistent with what scholars say about the issues? If so, how?  If not, how was Sinclairs situation unique? 

Also, identify at least one Calgary agency you think could help someone facing similar challenges.

Provide a 4 6 page (double spaced) paper that addresses the questions, making use of Structures of Indifference, three scholarly sources and a media piece within the paper.
Only focus on the last slide of the additional materials

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