Both Sides of an Argument
June 27, 2020
Any topic (writer’s choice)
June 27, 2020
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PowerPoint (PPT) presentation covering sections 3d and 5 above (Marketing Mix and Innovation Recommendation) Your group will pretend you are presenting your findings to the Executive Team of your selected company. You will unveil your innovation idea in this meeting. You must include a visual and promotion strategy (social media campaign, commercial or both) for your new product. Your presentation should be visually appealing and professional. You must wow the Executive team! This is your opportunity to be creative. Your PPT should be 6-10 slides.
a.    Content: (clear and concise coverage of sections 3d and 5 above. Must include images and content for all 4Ps Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) 
b.    Visual appeal: (clarity, use of images, layout of slides)
c.    Creativity: (Logical and realistic innovation idea, use of images, videos, and diagrams used to  unveil and demonstrate innovation idea)
d.    Promotion strategy: (clear and concise explanation of strategy both in word and visuals)

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