6.3 Tertullian on Inherited Guilt and 6.6 Origen on Inherited Sin

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6.3 Tertullian on Inherited Guilt and 6.6 Origen on Inherited Sin

From The Christian Theology Reader, 4th Edition by Alister E. McGrath, ed., you are to read:
6.3 Tertullian on Inherited Guilt and 6.6 Origen on Inherited Sin (Pictures of reading will be attached. It’s the first 3 pages)

You are to write a 750 word typed response to the readings according to the following directions:
    Briefly and concisely state the main idea of each reading.
o    What is the argument/thesis/main point of each author?

    Briefly describe any points of agreement or disagreement.
o    Do the authors agree on a given point?  Briefly explain where they agree.
o    Do they disagree?  Briefly explain where they disagree.

    Evaluate and take a position on the readings.
o    Do you agree with one author over another?  Why/why not?
o    What is your own position in relation to the readings?

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