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Journal Writing _ Editing


Let us face the obvious; Coronavirus is fatal to the elderly. A good portion of the national debt goes allocated to the healthcare system, a more significant part which the elderly account for. We also have a jester for a president, someone who would instead handle matters of national security behind a twitter account rather than take pragmatic measures. Before its effects were felt in the country, the commander in chief repudiated coronavirus as a hoax. When reality hit, Tariff Man the Wise, came up with a solution; go the Innuit way and let the elderly be decimated (Duran n.p). Not only is it a great hour but the national debt is also reduced, thus the greatest democracy of all time no longer must brownnose the communists.
As the curtain closes down his reign, Trump goes out as the president who mitigated the national debt situation since LBJ, and whats more, he prevented a nuclear Armageddon with his phone. There is no greater president of the free than His Eminence, President Donald J. Trump and guess who is supporting him, his well to do college friends running the wall street (Duran n.p). The rationale of these wealthy buffoons is that as the virus decimates the decadent lot that is the rest of society, they will be in their private jets up in the skies waiting to come and repopulate the planet.
They just might get away with it, the part about repopulating the planet. However, they still need workers to provide them with food, fuel for their fancy jets, and minions to soothe their egos. Letting the disease wipe of the elderly is a stupid and short-sighted idea on these peoples parts; it is hard to believe that these people ever went to the ivy league institutions. America and the world for that matter is not going to be held expendable just so that Junior Trump can look cool to his college buddies.

Work Cited
Duran, Gil. “Will Californians Let Coronavirus Kill Their Grandparents To Please Wall Street? Hell No”. Sacbee.Com, 2020, Accessed 25 Mar 2020.


Each journal entry should be a minimum of two-hundred words in length.

Read current (this semester) newspapers, magazines, or journals for opinion or editorial articles.  (Do not select letters to the editor, movie or restaurant reviews, comics, feature or news articles, obituaries, personal ads, commercial advertisements, etc.) Select one article to focus on for each entry.

Do not explicate the argument.

Your response should focus on explaining why you agree or disagree with the author.

Remember to include an audience. The audience is sufficiently narrowed to a group of people that agree with your position on the author’s thesis.

Be as clear about the evidence that persuades and your own personal beliefs as you can be. Identify contradictions, additional evidence, etc.

Attach a link for the article for each entry. (If you elect to cite the source using MLA format, this is great practice. Please make sure you are properly citing.)

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