Healthcare Advoacy Issue Mental Illness

Path 2 -2
May 7, 2020
week 10 Biology
May 7, 2020
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Healthcare Advoacy Issue Mental Illness

Previously, you began your work on selecting an issue to advocate for that you are passionate about.
Part 1: Advocacy Issue Selection
You are asked to select a local issue (example: access to healthcare, mental health support or fresh food) that you are passionate about that is specific to a special population. Special populations can include, but are not limited to, minorities, veterans, children, substance abuse, and the disabled or elderly.
Be sure to include the following information:
An explanation of the local issue you have selected and how it relates to target special populations.
A synopsis of why this issue needs to be advocated for utilizing the 8 case-advocacy tasks.

The 8 Case-Advocacy task are not include please edit

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