Assignment 1: Overview Of Victimology

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February 27, 2020
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Assignment 1: Overview Of Victimology

Assignment: Overview of Victimology

Simply put, victimology is the study of victims. Daigle (2018) explains that although there have been victims as long as there have been criminals, their role in the criminal justice process has evolved. The idea that victims had to seek out their own justice through retaliation led to the principle of lex talionis, an eye for an eye. In more recent years, although victim blaming still occurs, more sympathetic attention is given to victimization studies that have led to victims rights talionis, an eye for an eye. In more recent years, although victim blaming still occurs, more sympathetic attention is given to victimization studies that have led to victims rights.

The Assessment:

Perform research in the Walden Library and on the Internet to find resources that focus on the role of the victim, as well as individuals who have contributed to the field of victimology.

Using the , write a 4- to 5-page paper review of the study of victimology in which you complete the following:

Define victimology in your own words in 45 sentences.

In approximately 12 pages, provide a brief history to include the victims rights movement, legislation, and current status.

In approximately 12 pages, discuss the role of the victim. Define victim precipitation, victim facilitation, and victim provocation. Provide examples of each.

In approximately 12 pages, identify three individuals who have contributed to the field of victimology. Ensure you pick individuals from different countries. Describe their contributions.

Support your paper review with at least three scholarly resources (textbooks, peer-reviewed journals, and government publications).

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