2 Separate Short Report To Decisionmaker
February 23, 2020
Critically discuss religious terrorism focusing on its ideology and methods. As part of this essay, you are expected to analyse at least two examples of terrorist groups: ISIS and Al -Qaeda
February 23, 2020
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Data Mining


Q. 1. Consider the market basket transactions. When answering the below questions, provide reasoning for each. Also, clearly indicate for instance how you came up with the answer for the questions asked below. Show detailed steps/explanation for each of the question below.  (100 points)


(a) What is the maximum number of association rules that can be extracted from this data (including rules that have zero support)?

(b) What is the maximum size of frequent itemsets that can be extracted (assuming minsup > 0)?

(c) Write an expression for the maximum number of size-3 itemsets that can be derived from this data set.

(d) Find an itemset (of size 2 or larger) that has the largest support.

(e) Find a pair of items, a and b, such that the rules   and   have the same confidence.

Q. 2. What is Anomaly Detection? Describe in detail the characteristics of the Anomaly Detection Problems. Also, describe in detail the characteristics of Anomaly Detection Methods. (100 points)

When referring to other articles, you need to cite using the format given here (either APA or MLA):

Note: Failure of citations will lead to several deduction of points or zero points may be awarded for the answer.

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