Week Five Learning Log
February 21, 2020
Week Five Engineering Essay
February 21, 2020
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Scales of Measurement

Discussion Post Instructions: In one post, include the following information:

1. I would like each of you to choose a new measured variable in psychological science that you would be interested in investigating. Clearly identify your new measured variable in the first sentence or bullet point of your discussion post. 

2 Briefly describe how you would measure your variable using each of the following scales of measurement: A) Categorical (Nominal) B) Ordinal C) Interval, and D) Ratio.

    For example, if you are interested in reaction times while driving in the presence of distractions, you could use a nominal measure (e.g., behavioral measure of reacts or doesnt react); ordinal measure (e.g., rank of participants by reaction time; 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.); interval measure (e.g., self-report questionnaire about reaction times while distracted and driving); ratio measure (e.g., reaction time in milliseconds).

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