Operating Systems Assignment 1
February 19, 2020
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February 19, 2020
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academic essay about social media

write an assessment question:

Is social media beneficial to a companys performance? What approach should companies therefore take towards social media? Illustrate your answer with reference to at least two companies within one particular industry.


The academic essay aims to assess whether students are able to effectively demonstrate understanding of social media from a corporate perspective, control their use of sources and adopt an academic tone and style appropriate for writing tasks within a business and economics context at university. It allows students to demonstrate achievement in the following learning outcomes:

Evaluate, extract and synthesize relevant information from business and economics sources for use in academic and professional writing
Demonstrate an understanding of the appropriate structure and features of academic and business writing
Select and acknowledge information sources in writing accurately using appropriate referencing and citation

The introductory reading on social media/company performance serves as a good resource for finding other academic references. You should not use ONLY this source in your paper.

the second file is the reading we should refer to when doing the assessment but do not only use this source only. we should read from other sources as well;.

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