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February 17, 2020
February 17, 2020
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Leadership Styles Application

Welcome to the course! My goal for you is to enjoy this course, learn and grow through submission of your assessments by incorporating the feedback that will be provided to you.Please look at each criterion section below for my comments and suggestions. Please highlight any changes you choose to make so I can capture all of your hard work. I look forward to working with you throughout this course.

Evaluate theories and practices of leadership and management for professional nursing practice.
Describe the major tenets of leadership styles applicable in a particular situation.
Lists the common characteristics of effective leadership applicable in most situations.

Faculty Comments:

You are off to a great start with this criteria, but you need to add scholarly support for all factual material to support your assertions with regards to each style.

Explain why particular leadership styles would be effective in a given situation.
Provides a vague, non-situational rationalization for choosing particular leadership styles.

Faculty Comments:

Please add scholarly support for your assertions to add strength and clarity. At graduate level, you want to be sure to support your discussion so that it reads similar to a scholarly work.

Analyze the impact of health care policy, legal and regulatory, and quality control on health care delivery and patient outcomes.
Identify positive and negative implications of applying particular leadership styles in a given situation.
Identifies positive and negative implications derived from a simplistic or cursory examination of the situation and the applied leadership styles.

Faculty Comments:

Similarly, please add scholalry support for assertions to add strength and clarity. The in text citations that are in this section are not cited correctly. Please see the notes below for additional sources to assist with APA.

Communicate effectively across disciplines, demonstrating respect for self and others.
Write clearly and concisely, using correct grammar and mechanics.
Writing is not consistently clear or concise, or errors in grammar and mechanics inhibit effective communication.

Faculty Comments:

Errors in grammar and mechanics distract from the message. Be sure to carefully proofread prior to submission. For instance running sentences with a lack of appropriate punctuation.

Support main points, claims, and conclusions with credible scholarly or professional evidence, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.
Does not support main points, claims, and conclusions with relevant and credible scholarly or professional evidence, correctly formatting citations and references using current APA style.

Faculty Comments:


I have included some links from the course site for assistance with APA. There are many parts of your SA report that indicate material taken directly from other sources without appropriate citation such as direct verbiage. I believe this to be an issue with APA errors rather than plagiarism. Please rewrite the assessment and highlight your changes to reflect credit to the sources. For instance “In the wake of a global nursing shortage, maldistribution of the health workforce, increasing healthcare costs and expanding workload, it has become imperative to examine the role of nurse managers leadership styles on their staffs outcomes.” This is taken directly from the article.

APA Module.
Academic Honesty & APA Style and Formatting.
APA Style Paper Tutorial [DOCX].
You may want to review your SA report with your coach for guidance as well in understanding the report as I will have to report future concerns as an academic honesty breach.

Please use headers per APA guidelines to assist with flow of the assessment.

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