The Authenticity Paradox
February 14, 2020
The Importance Of Listening
February 14, 2020
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 The following essay question in at least 500 words. Your paper must have a thesis; something you want a reader to accept based on evidence. Develop sub-points in paragraphs that support the thesis statement. Information obtained from outside sources must be re-written into your own words (NOT COPIED AND PASTED), and the source should be cited (MLA or APA format).

Quality of argument: 2 points
Mastery of historical material: 2 points
Grammar, spelling, punctuation: 1 point

Pretend you are a member of Congress, representing the Dallas area in 1918, planning to run for re-election in November 1918. Write a letter to the editor of The Dallas Morning News explaining why Dallas-area voters should vote for you. Remember that in 1917 Congress passed a declaration of war against Germany, passed the Selective Service Act to draft young men to serve in the war, and passed the Eighteenth Amendment which called for Prohibition of the manufacture, sale and transportation of alcohol. How did you vote on each of these issues and why? In addition, in the next two years, Congress is expected to debate a possible Nineteenth Amendment, which would give women the right to vote. How will you vote on this issue, and why? Why should Texas voters agree with your stances on these issues and why should they re-elect you in November 1918? Please use specific examples from the textbook, videos and/or class discussion forum to inform your argument. 

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